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Pauline Sligar photo makes its way to Arkansas

Pauline Sligar

This photo was purchased with two others (featured on this website) at Southern Mercantile in Prairie Grove, Arkansas on April 4, 2019. On the front of the paper frame is written “Pauline Sligar.” Some digging through and gave me enough information to learn that Pauline Helen Sligar was born in 1915 in Colorado to William Alonzo Sligar and Mamie Sue Dennis. She married Thomas Albinas Brewer in Los Angeles County, CA and they had two children, Thomas Arthur Brewer and Jeanie Carel Brewer who are both deceased. The obituary for her son, Tom, was a gold mine, providing conclusive information. Also substantiating that I had the right Pauline Sligar, was the fact that her father was a son of Jacob Lafayette Sligar, Jr., four of whose children were pictured in the same collection found at the antique store. See separate profile for Sligar children on this website. I am messaging the contributor of Tom’s profile on to see if she is closely related and would like to have this photo.

UPDATE: Through the assistance of cousins Edwina and Juanita who gave me a contact for family in California, this photo is being returned to Pauline’s niece, Linda, who shared that her Aunt Pauline was red-headed, a fact not discernible from the black and white photo. The photo is on its way to Linda in California. Another happy return!

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