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Beautiful Hafemeister wedding photo by St. Louis photographer

Reverend & Mrs. Paul Hafemeister

This old photograph was purchased in Missouri. On the inside flap of the paper frame is written Rev. & Mrs. Paul Hafemeister. A quick search on landed a valuable obituary for a son named Ed Hafemeister who died in Leavenworth, Kansas in 2011. The obituary names Ed’s parents as Paul and Pauline Hafemeister. All genealogists can attest that an obituary is a goldmine of information. The obituary lists two daughters for Ed that includes their married names and city of residence. I’m on the trail to connect with one of these daughters who would be Rev. & Mrs. Paul Hafemeister’s granddaughters. A further look into’s Family Tree shows and entry for Paul and Pauline Hafemeister and that they were married October 27, 1912 in Missouri.

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