Purchased at a flea market in Nashville, Tennessee. This one is a “Cold Case” because I have no clue other than the photo was taken by Steimonts Studio of Waukegan, Illinois. Can you help me solve this mystery? Approximately what year? Is it a senior class or some other type of class? Can you identify anyone in this picture?
Following the suggestion of a visitor to the website, I contacted the Waukegan History Museum. I got a quick response that they would like the photo. This lovely group photo is on its way back to the town it originated in….Waukegan, Illinois! Many happy returns!
My mom grew up in Waukegan in the 1940s and I have some old photo folios with the studio name imprinted on them. When I googled “Steimonts photo, Waukegan, IL” your post came up.
I feel sure this is a high school senior class photo, but couldn’t guess at the year. You may have already done this, but you could contact: https://www.waukeganhistorical.org/ to see whether they could give you more info or would want it for their collection? Best of luck!
Thank you, Lisa. I’ll take your suggestion and see what turns up.