September 24, 2024

Purple Heart Certificate found behind frame

Diane Morgan, of Fox, Arkansas related the story of recently finding the Purple Heart certificate. It was tucked behind a picture of her mother-in-law who passed some years ago. Diane speculates they bought the frame at a yard sale, and there’s no telling how many years ago. Tucked behind the photo was this embossed certificate that awarded the Purple Heart to James M. Larson “for military merit and wounds received in action resulting in his death May 9, 1945.”

With James M. Larson’s name and exact date of death, it was easy to find another record of him on an Iowa Armed Forces Grave Registration. This online document stated that he died at Okinawa, Japan. The Battle of Okinawa was the bloodiest and fiercest of the Pacific in World War II with 50,000 Allied casualties and 100,000 Japanese casualties. It was an 82-day battle from April 1 to June 22, 1945.

The Iowa Armed Forces Grave Registration also gave James’ birthdate as May 18, 1920 as well as the name of his father: Martin O. Larson. With his father’s name and the knowledge that James was from Iowa, other records were easily found including a 1925 Iowa Census record and 1920 and 1930 U.S. Census records. The census records indicate his mother’s name was Florence. It further revealed that his Larson grandparents were from Norway while his maternal grandparents were from “Irish Free State.” With both birth and death dates we know that James was just 11 days shy of his 25th birthday when he died from his wounds. We honor his sacrifice and want him to be remembered.

From James Larson’s FindaGrave entry we know that he was buried back home at Humboldt, Iowa.

The 1930 U.S. Census provided helpful information that James had two siblings, a sister Ruth R. Larson, and a younger brother Robert J. Larson. I was able to find Robert J. Larson’s FindAGrave entry and from that have sent a message to one of his daughters. We hope to hear from James’ niece soon so the Purple Heart Certificate can be returned to the Larson family.

UPDATE: James’ niece responded to my message and now the Purple Heart Certificate is being mailed to Susan in Omaha, Nebraska. She will give it to her cousin who has James’ Purple Heart. We are happy it will be back in the hands of James’ family. Thank you, James M. Larson, for giving your life in service to our country. Thank you, Diane Morgan, for finding the certificate and wanting to get it back to family. It was a privilege to get solve this special mystery. Susan and her cousin speculate that the certificate was in a lake home in Arkansas belonging to James’ sister Ruth. After she passed, the certificate was hidden in an old frame that ended up sold at a flea market or yard sale. It’s been on a journey but is now back with family. Another happy return!

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